Met stations, rainfall, cloud water inputs, air & soil temperature, wind speed & direction.
Carbon Cycling
Monitoring of all major forest and soil carbon stocks and fluxes following the GEM methodology.
Nutrient Cycling
Leaf and soil chemistry, litter decomposition, nutrient availability measured with resin capsules.
Growth, recruitment and mortality of all trees in all plots. Survival and growth of seedlings of 6 native species. Survival and growth of a standardized set of epiphytes species represented key groups (orchids, bromeliads, ferns, bryophytes) placed onto boards placed at a standardized height in the canopy.
Photosynthetic parameters, water use efficiency, non-structural carbohydrates, xylem cavitation vulnerability, plant water source partitioning with stable isotopes.
Core fluxes (incident rainfall, cloud water inputs, throughfall, stem flow). Ecohydrological parameters (see previous).