Wayqecha is around 4-5 hours drive from Cusco. Cars or buses can be ordered (contact ACA for bookings) and a daily commercial bus which costs roughly 30 Soles each way.
Get driving instructions here.
Field Assistance
A wide pool of experienced field and laboratory technicians are usually available. Contact ACA for advice and special requests (desired skills/experience, e.g: botany, tree climbing).
Field Equipment
Drying ovens and fridges are available (though only work during generator hours). Storage and desk space is available. Basic tools, gardening implements and a canopy clippers are available.
Mobile phone reception is not available at the site, but calls can be made around 1 hour’s drive away. There is WiFi internet but this is frequently unavailable. Electricity at the station runs off a generator which runs from 18:00 – 21:00. The generator can be run outside of these hours for a fee of ?? US per hour.